College is Awesome! Except when it’s not.
If you’re like a lot of college students, right now is the first time in your life you’ve been out on your own. While the freedom is incredible, finding your place in the midst of everything can be tough. And if we’re honest, the search to find where you belong can often be anxiety inducing and can even feel a little isolating.
The good news is that you’re not alone! At Campus Collective we are here with you and for you. There are tons of people around you feeling the exact same way, because at our core we were all made to be in community with other people. In fact, since 2001 we’ve helped college students around Wisconsin find community, explore faith, and discover their purpose in the world around them.
We’d love to invite you to attend one of our Campus Collective events. Whether it’s serving our local neighborhoods, attending a Collective event, visiting our weekly gathering, or being a part of a community group, we want to get you connected with other people so you can find your place.
College should be awesome. We invite you explore the campuses we serve or reach out to us below with a message so we can connect with you personally.